Saturday, March 3, 2012

Digging away, the moments that make up a dull day...

You know who's cute?
Young David Gilmour AND Old David Gilmour. Cute.

He looks like he could be strolling through Silverlake and Los Feliz right now... cuz EVERY STRAIGHT GUY IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD LOOKS LIKE JOHN TAYLOR CIRCA 1974. Seriously. It's getting old.
But young David Gilmour is cute. Just want to put that out there while I'm enjoying my sunny Cali Saturday afternoon.

I'm here on a Saturday, working on a giant corset order, watching "Which One's Pink?" on VH1, wondering if I could actually find the time to start blogging again.
I feel like I need a Tumblr for this because I love photos. But then, I always have something sexual, political, topical or rock 'n ' rollah to write about. And I also want to write things for viewers of "Is This Normal?", our internet talkshow produced by The Center for Positive Sexuality,
I don't want to write notes on Facebook, because my page is more for family and work people, but I sure do wish Blogger posted a thumbnail image when you post a link, like Facebook. I really, really like that.
So we'll see if I can get to this and get back to some kind of writing... it used to be fun, even if it was pretty lightweight and of no substance... substance to me!

I found a bookstore.
Let me repeat: I found a bookstore. That's important in this day and age when the book store is an endangered species. It's Alias Books in Atwater... I was strolling, going to Starbucks, procrastinating on getting back to work. I was floored and almost thought I was going to start crying. It's a used book store, heavy on art, sex and politics. Heaven, right?   I walked right up to a Shere Hite book and that was it....
Women as Revolutionary Agents of Change: The Hite Reports and Beyond... let me see if I actually get some reading done and be able to blog about it. I'm only posting the Amazon listing in case you're interested, but by all means, get thee to a real bookstore. Since it was used, I bought the last one at Alias Books East.  I almost bought a book called "Female Masculinity" right next to it, but I gotta save sumthin' fer later. I will be back.

I can say that there is never a dull day in my life. There are lonely days, stressed days, uneasy days, but never bored and dull. I can think of something good and constructive to do every minute of every day and the only thing keeping me from most of this is work, work, work, to pay bills, bills, bills... it's still my goal to gain my freedom from the indentured servitude to debt. I'm thinking my goal should be to have a life like a 17 year old boy in 1967 with a copy of Kerouac's "On The Road".... why not? I'm not buying a house and I will not- I repeat- not be getting a cat or any other pet.

We've created a Facebook page for "Is This Normal?" in order to promo more and get viewers.
I'm having a hard time finding the correct URL to paste here, but it's possible that a search of "  IsthisNormal PositiveSex " may get you to it.

In closing, I'd like to point out that in view of Rush Limbaugh's recent comments about wanting all women who get free birth control to submit videos of themselves having sex (because "they are getting paid to have sex"), Rush likes to watch. Rush is a freak. That doesn't come out of your mouth so easily unless you are... regardless of how inflammatory you think you are. That sort of thing is on your mind and part of your lifestyle.
I can think of a few choice things I'd like to do to Rush that involve him being tied up, restrained, and the letters C, B and T and we film it... but the problem is, he would probably love it and that's not fun.

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