Getting on the internet just reminds me of shit I can't control. Seriously, unless you are a Senator, Representative, Lobbyist, judge on a circuit court or Supreme Court (and that is not order of importance or power... the Lobbyist probably has the most power), you aren't passing any laws or policy. We all run our mouths but what do we affect? I know, I know... dismal and pessimistic. I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing till they gotta hold of me!
Birth Control, Sex and Abortions.... oh my. I found a listing by a friend on Facebook for a film called "October Baby" about an abortion survivor. (My friends are many-variegated and of many types and belief systems.) Something like this just opens a whole can of worms for me: did God make that baby survive the abortion? Did God make that sperm and egg get together to make a baby? Is Kirk Cameron in this movie? When does the spark of life happen that makes that group of cells have a consciousness, a SOUL, and be "Human"... because we used to hear about this more in the early '90s. I swear. I didn't imagine it. If a pregnant woman miscarries, did God cause that? Why didn't God make her not miscarry if God hates abortion? Why do only women get pregnant? Am I supposed to be limited by my biology? What if I don't want to be pregnant at this time? If I had never been born, what would I even know about what I'm missing?
They (the anti-abortion people) always use the "Beethoven Argument" for abortion... you would have killed Beethoven or [insert some other brilliant person here] if you had an abortion. I'm not even qualified to deal with this argument. I had promised myself logic and reasoning lessons, but it hasn't happened with my copious spare time. No worries. There are plenty of people who deal with fallacious and bad arguments. Richard Dawkins has scratched the surface for me, and I credit atheists for helping me think more critically... and I still believe in some sort of Creative Force, God, if you will, in the universe. Go figure. It IS possible to think for yourself and be open to other peoples' ideas and beliefs!
Like I always say, when shit goes down, when the zombie outbreak happens, or WWIII, I'm throwing my lot in with the athiests. We'll Macgyver some shit and stay alive, not sit around and pray for help to come. The masses like messiahs and cults of personality, especially religious ones.... keep me far away, thanks.
I read a a little on the web about "October Baby" and the film is supposed to "show what happens in an abortion clinic." Oh, really? Show me. And show me all the forms of abortion. Because I bet you won't.
Rick Santorum (...mmmm... santorum...Bless you, Dan Savage) says that even though rape is horrible, a child concieved during rape is still a gift from God. So if God made that egg and sperm meet up during such a horrible event, why couldn't God prevent the rape?
I'm glad Rick has found a woman willing to stay in an almost perpetual state of pregnancy. I'm glad her uterus, her life and her time are ready willing and able to make lots of babies. More power to them. If I had the willing partner, money and time (which is essentially money, too), I'd have a few babies. But this just further proves my therory that there is no Great Sisterhood of Women. I don't have solidarity with Rick's wife just because both of us were born with a uterus. But again- more power to them. They are free to do what they want. Funny, but I can't imagine Rick saying the same for me.
The uproar about Susan Fluke, Rush Limbaugh and birth control are pretty damn funny. Well, they are! A friend (another in my many variegated world) posted this Mother Jones Birth Control Calculator :
And of course, Are you a Slut? :
Slut, like the word Nigger, has of course, been taken back but a lot of people didn't get that memo:
The classic book, The Ethical Slut :
The birth control calculator doesn't provide for me. I mean, it doesn't list my methods: a year of celibacy, then non-hormonal methods - condoms and spermicide. So I get by cheap. Man, I am FRUGAL. I haven't been on the pill in over 20 years, and I'll stick a foreign object in my uterus "to irritate the uterus lining and prevent egg implantation" (an IUD, kids... look it up) when men have the equivalent. Which means I won't be getting an IUD anytime in this lifetime or even the next. The year of celibacy is strictly accidental. Maybe I shouldn't list that. You know what I found out? You can return unopened condoms at Rite-Aid!!! My last partner used Magnum XL and those bitches are $15 a box. I was very egalitarian. He bought the first box, so I bought a box for my place. Never got to the second box (or my place for that matter)... attempting to keep XL condoms around is just a cosmic joke... and I needed the $15 for lunch money.
Are Viagra and Cialis covered by most insurances? Please don't tell me they are. I don't even want to research and find out... I just don't want to know. Remember.... things I can't control... breathe.... breathe......
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